Listen online every Sunday at 11 AM and on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 PM CST!
We'd love to have you join us!
Audio streaming will be available about 5 minutes before the service starts.
while at the same time endeavoring to comply with the Scriptural mandate of “…not for forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…” (Hebrews 10:25)
It is our desire and intention to abide by the recommendations of the State and County for conducting church services during the current Coronavirus crisis. In doing so, we expect all church attendees to abide by the following rules:
Co-habiting families will sit together, but must be at least six feet from other individuals, or co-habiting families. Ushers will be assisting in meeting this requirement as soon as you arrive for service. Once you are assigned seating, that will be where you are to sit, at all times, in every service.
We are admonishing the elderly and anyone with underlying physical ailments to remain at home. We will provide audio streaming of the services for those who do so.
It should be obvious in the distancing required in item #1, but in order to emphasize the discontinuance of this activity that is so common among us, we are stating it very clearly here: there must be no hand shaking or hugging at any time while on the church premises.
The water fountains will be turned off and will be off limits. You may bring a small personal bottle of water with you to church. Bottled water will not be provided by the church.
The following restrictions will be placed on bathroom visits:
Sanctuary bathrooms: No more than 6 inside at any one time.
Colbert Hall bathrooms:No more than 3 at any one time.
Balcony bathrooms: No more than 2 at any one time.
(Ushers will be monitoring these restrictions.Please abide by their instructions.)
We will dismiss you from service in an orderly manner, row by row, with the assistance of the Ushers. Do not linger in the building, nor socialize on the parking lot.
Please keep six feet away from others at all times, whether inside or outside of the church.
Everyone entering the church will have their temperature checked. Anyone with a fever (100 or above) will not be allowed to stay.
Other directives will be given as needed at church.
No one is to come up front; neither for pre-service prayer, nor during worship service, nor during preaching. Keeping your distance; one member may come with each guest who wishes to come to the altar at altar call. Everyone else must remain in your pew and pray.
Pre-service prayer will be at your assigned seat.
Worship in your pew. No aisle running, nor moving out into the aisles.
Six offering buckets will be placed, one at the front of each section of pews. The ushers will prompt you by row to march and give. Please keep your distance from one another as you march.
There will be prayer for the sick just before the beginning of service, as usual. However, keep 6 feet between you and others in line. The minister will be sanitizing his hands between each prayer.
Please continue inviting people to church. Those who you think are coming should be advised of social distancing requirements. We will make room for guests close by whoever invited them to church.
Anyone not abiding by these guidelines, nor taking them seriously, will be asked to leave.
All other church and school activities are suspended until further notice.
To be announced at the end of service: All counseling will be done by email during this crisis.